Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quin Fastig! (How disgusting!)

I just stayed with some friends in Barcelona and learned one phrase of Catalan: How disgusting. I drew them a thank you/housewarming pic for their new apartment once I got back to the US, using their facebook photos for reference.

North and South Korea

I imagine this is how South Korea feels and was doing a loose mimic of their position on the map. It's difficult to do your own thing with North Korea always sitting right on top of you.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Space Traveller Comic

My little comic about imagination abuse. In actuality, I don't watch that much tv anymore. My imagination is now a teenager, rather than the tiny cat-girl seen here. I'm hoping she'll go off to college soon, start really supporting herself.

Flasher Monster

This was a doodle I did with my friend on... doodle night? On drink smoke and draw night. It's a semi-weekly thing.

Polish Ambassador

A little poster design I did for the SF DJ Polish Ambassador. I made him some sort of DJing jacket powerful enough to blast a rocket! People are partying. It's a good time. He does not need to breathe on Mars. The jacket is that powerful.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fiverr Sketches

Request: Bear taking a bath.

Request: illustrate the sentence "I can't get anything done, the zombies in the attic are always talking to me"

Request: Rhino drinking coffee. Natch.

I made a little ad on Fiverr a few months ago to do any weird little doodle someone asked for. The whole point (to me) was to do really fast sketches to loosen up. It was fun and inconsequential and good practice and here they are!

Thursday, August 12, 2010